In Case you Missed It: Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial – “The Christie plan is better than a proposal by Assembly Democrats that reforms the arbitration process…”
November 1, 2010 – (RealEstateRama) — If New Jersey expects towns to hold the line on property taxes, it should end an outdated salary-arbitration process for police and firefighters.
Gov. Christie has offered a reasonable plan to do that and help municipalities live with an austere 2 percent annual property-tax hike cap. It would set the same 2 percent limit for all public-employee economic compensation packages, including benefits such as health insurance.
The Christie plan is better than a proposal by Assembly Democrats that reforms the arbitration process but fails to impose limits on the wage increases an arbitrator can award police and firefighters.
Most taxpayers who work in the private sector are no longer getting annual raises. Meanwhile, property taxes are skyrocketing, while local services have been cut.
Faced with reduced state aid and a property-tax cap next year, towns face difficult choices to balance budgets. Few options are left when nearly half the budget goes to public safety…
A cap on how much arbitrators can award police and firefighters makes sense in these tough times. The Legislature should work with Christie to reach an agreement.
View entire opinion here
Michael Drewniak
Kevin Roberts