Governor Christie On Reducing Homelessness: The Spirit In People I Saw Today Breaks This Cycle


WASHINGTON, D.C. – (RealEstateRama) — Governor Christie: You know I had all the folks here say to me today that, that you know what they want to do is be completely on their own. They are working hard, multiple jobs, two, three, four, jobs to get themselves to the position where they can then say, thank you for the help, give it to someone else who needs it more because I am ok now. That is the kind of incentive we are trying to provide through this program and that is the kind of spirit that will break people out of this cycle. And it would not be possible without coordinating these services, I am absolutely convinced about that.

There is a lot more work to be done. So today has been a good day I am proposing that in the budget and I am confident it will be approved, you know to have five hundred more families positively affected by this both families of veterans and others is really important. But the interagency working groups task is far from done as is the task of organizations like Robins’ Nest and others across the state that are providing these services and doing this job for the people who really need it. In the end, you know, there is always a tension and a balance between, you know protecting the taxpayers and making sure that money is not wasted and is spent the right way.

But also, making New Jersey a place where, when there are folks who have temporary bumps in the road that set their life off in a direction they never could have imagined that there are people there who are trained professionally and compassionate personally to understand those problems and understand how best to give those folks the tools they need to get off of that wrong path and get back on to a path that is productive for them and productive for their families. You know we want New Jersey

Press Contact:
Brian Murray


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