Division on Civil Rights Proposes Readoption of Rules Governing Discriminatory Real Estate Advertising
Proposal Summary:
November 23, 2010 – (RealEstateRama) — The proposal would readopt the Division on Civil Rights’ rules pertaining to Advertisement Relating to Real Property, with certain amendments. The rules proposed for readoption set forth the prohibitions against advertisements by housing providers that express discriminatory preferences for prospective tenants or purchasers based on certain protected characteristics, such as race, national origin or creed. Upon readoption, the Division proposes amendments to clarify that the rules govern advertisements in both print and electronic form, and to include civil union status and gender identity or expression as protected characteristics to conform the rules to recent amendments to the Law Against Discrimination. The proposed readoption with amendments appears in the November 15, 2010 edition of the New Jersey Register.
Summary of Proposal:
A summary of the proposed readoption with amendments is posted on the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights Web site at: www.nj.gov/oag/dcr/proposed_rules.html.
Public Comment:
Public comment on these proposed rules will be accepted until January 14, 2011.
Please direct all comments to:
Gary LoCassio, Deputy Director
New Jersey Division on Civil Rights
140 East Front Street
P.O. Box 089
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0089
Media Inquiries-
Lee Moore
Citizen Inquiries-