Bramnick: Best way to observe April 15 is to lower taxes


WASHINGTON, D.C. – April 15, 2014 – (RealEstateRama) — Today is the final day for filing federal and state income taxes. Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick said the deadline is a reminder that reducing the tax burden should be the highest priority for legislators.

“It is no secret that New Jersey’s income tax structure is among the highest in the country,” said Bramnick, R-Union, Morris and Somerset. “The Legislature must act quickly to reduce this burden. New Jersey workers already pay more than their fair share. The best way to create jobs and keep people in New Jersey is to lower taxes and let taxpayers keep more of their own hard-earned money.”

Bills sponsored by Assembly Republicans that would reduce the tax burden shouldered by New Jerseyans include the following:

• New Jersey Direct Property Tax Relief Plan (A-157 – Fiocchi/Handlin/CJ Brown/Rumana)

• Phase out New Jersey’s Estate Tax over a five year period (A-329 – Bramnick/McHose/Schepisi)

• Decrease the sales and use tax rate from 7% to 6% (A-137 – McHose/Space)


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